Information for our customers and partners

We take our duty of care towards our employees and business partners very seriously. Preventive measures were taken at an early stage to prevent the spread of the virus. erfi implements its own protective measures. If you have any questions, please contact us by phone: 07441-9144-0 or e-mail:

The following measures were implemented at erfi Freudenstadt:

  1. 1. Hygiene measures such as proper hand washing and disinfectants are distributed throughout the company by means of posters and stands.
    2. Signs "Keep a distance of 2 m" were posted throughout the company, to which employees are obliged to adhere. 
    3. Employees work in the home office or were separated or distributed in separate rooms.
    4. All employees are informed quickly and comprehensively about new current regulations and measures.
    5. Communication with each other is by telephone or via digital channels.
    6. Our field staff conduct meetings and consultations with our customers via video conferences.
    7. We work very intensively to keep the influence on the daily business as low as possible so that the ability to deliver is still guaranteed.